Raizi: What You Should Know About Diamond Cup Wheels


Diamond cup wheels serve as a wonderful solution to grinding and shaping, removing unwanted paint and stock and leaving a smooth and clean finish for the next step of work. Given the wide range of usage, they have been one of the best sellers in our inventory. Today I’m going to give you some brief introduction about them and tell you something worth noticing when buying.


Parameters and specifications

When you click into a page of a cup wheel and quickly finish browsing the headline and pictures, it is the product description that should draw your attention. For this part, you can skip the verbose flattery and only focus on several parameters and specifications, of which the most important ones are wet or dry application, grit degree and thread ——without size and applicability, for the former varies little (most are of 4- or 5- inch diameter), and the later can be automatically filtered by the internet in the first place if your demand is put correctly into the searching engine, sparing another round of attention afterward.

Now I’m telling you the basic things about these specification:

First thing first, wet or dry application. This point won’t be strange to those stone fabricators or home DIYers. Basically, putting water in processing can help to improve both the efficiency and the effect, and can reduce the wearing of your wheels. In some cases where water is not allowed, however, adding water may reversely cause great damage and enlarge your cost. Therefore, be clear about the parameter of application, don’t put water when using the dry-use-only wheels or vice versa. Luckily, wheels showing up in this essay are all available for both wet and dry use, leaving the choice of whether to add water or not up to your preference.

Second, grit degree. Generally, each kind of cup wheel contains three different grit degrees, coarse, medium and fine, in an expression of growing grit number —— a bigger number means finer and smaller diamond particles within and smoother finish it can make. The trick is, don’t get yourself the coarse for polishing.

Last but not least, the thread. There are two most used threads in this field: M14 and 5/8”-11. Be clear about which is suitable for your machine before placing an order——you won't be thrilled at having to buy a new wheel just for a mismatched thread.

OK, now we finished the parameters part, I hope these little tips can help you from unnecessary waste and excessive expenditure. Next, I will show you some wheels with their own characteristics.

Cup wheels with rubber back

Well, as you can imagine, for something as tough as the cup wheels, equipping with rubber back helps vibration absorption and stabilizes the system when processing.

Here comes the product one:


As you see, this wheel is covered with square segments lying in the pattern of hurricane, perfect for fast stock removal on hard stones like granite, concrete and engineered stones.

Product 2


This one, different from the above, features segment-filled rims that are separated from the core by a rubber loop. And this height difference between segments and the loop also serves as an included angle for grinding bevel and chamfer out of edges and corners.

Cup wheels with or without resin bond

Resin bond, an inevitable factor when it comes to cup wheels, plays an important part in protecting the wheels from wearing fast and stabilizing them. Generally speaking, a wheel with a softer bond suits hard materials better and the harder-bond one is recommended more for softer stones. However, for those extraordinarily hard stones like Dekton which requires the same level of aggressiveness to deal with, the metal full surface wheel without any resin bond below can be the only make-do.


As you can see, it has a continuous rim with numerous diamond particles strewn all over the surface, hence a perfect solution for grinding and honing hard materials.

For those with good resin bond, we have two representative products .

Product 1


This resin-filled wheel is perfect for grinding finish on all sorts of natural stones with few vibrations and chippings. It looks more metallic, but its wonderful performance and promised long life all signal the high-standard resin bond within.

Product 2


Compared with the above one, this is more “resin”. Those premium bonds are made in the blue part, in combination with the metallic pieces embedded with diamond particles forming up a body perfect for smoothly grinding on the surfaces of granite, marble and engineered stones.

Cup wheels with Other designs

As mentioned above, both resin bond and rubber backs contribute to stabilizing the wheels and lowering noises during work, but besides them, there are other specially designed wheels featuring various usages and advantages.

Here is the first characteristically popular aluminum base diamond cup wheel.


This wheel is made of aluminum, a well-known soft metal that is light in weight which grants the wheel body an excellent balance and a great capacity for reducing vibration. What should be noticed is that the wheel is rather hard despite the properties of its raw material and that it is suitable for grinding and shaping on granite and the like.

This one here is a diamond flap disc wheel consisting of plenty of metal bonded flaps that are made with an electroplating technique. They are capable of shaping, beveling, and grinding edges of natural stones, as well as stock and paint removing and fast cutting.


This product is light in weight, so that is more handy and efficient than others with fewer chippings and vibration.

Here comes the novel product in our store.


Not like other cup wheels embodied with molded diamond segments, this one is characterized by   numerous small projections all over the rims. An integral part of the vacuum-brazed body as a whole, these little pieces spare your worry about them dropping off while processing. The cup wheel is best for removing fiberglass mesh, paint, epoxy, glue surface and other bothering coat to prep your materials for further work. The cooling holes in the body help to reduce the heat from grinding and elongate life.

OK, that is all for this essay. Hope it will be of use for you.

Raizi Tool: good tool, easy work~

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